Here Are Thirteen Reasons Why You Should Call
Chad's Mortgage Team To Help With Your Mortgage.

From the desk of Chad Moore.

Calgary, Alberta

My Mortgage team is about one thing, and one thing only: getting you into the best Mortgage FOR YOU.

Here are thirteen reasons why we should talk to discuss your personal situation:

1.  You cannot lose. 

You gain access to my years of Mortgage planning experience, my full time in-house staff of customer service professionals for your top-flight experience, access to 40 Mortgage lenders, customized and personal Mortgage service – all free of charge with zero risk.  The only way to lose is not making the call today!

2.  You save money. 

I help you obtain the lowest interest rate, for a customized Mortgage product, that is specific to your needs so you get the lowest payment for the most beneficial Mortgage possible. 

3.  You save time. 

When we review your Mortgage application together – you’re done!  I do all of the legwork to find the best deal FOR YOU.  I go from Bank to Bank FOR YOU, so you only have to apply for a Mortgage once.

4. I help you shop around. 

If you are shopping around with your Bank or other Broker for a Mortgage – no worries.  I actually go out of my way to help you ask them questions you may not even know to ask.  Trust me, there is way more to ask your Bank than “what’s your rate?”.   Be smart.  Learn the questions.

5.  You’ll outlive your Mortgage. 

Your Bank wants you to remain in Mortgage land forever.  Why?  Because they make enormous profit from you.  I want to help you pay out your Mortgage faster and save.  Why?  So you feel great referring me new clients.  Know this: I work for you, not the lender.     

6.  Customized Mortgage Strategy. 

The threat of long term increasing interest rates is very real.  People pigging out on low interest rate debt today – without a solid plan or strategy for a higher interest rate future – is very risky.  I take a proactive approach to helping my clients execute on my BOSS Mortgage Strategy.  I help protect you from increasing interest rates, adjust your Mortgage for inflation and help accelerate your Mortgage pay down.

7.  On going Mortgage management.  

I think my job truly begins once your Mortgage has funded.  The plan I have for my clients – after their Mortgage has funded - is to update you on the future of fixed and adjustable interest rates, and leading indicators that help predict future home values.

8.  Access secret home buying programs. 

Did you know you may purchase or refinance a home and include the cost of the repairs or renovations into your Mortgage?  One benefit to this is borrowing money at low Mortgage rates versus unsecured lines of credit or credit cards.  Definitely ask me about this program!

9.  Plan to build your Real Estate portfolio. 

Real Estate helps you leverage money to a secure asset, offers taxable benefits, and possibilities of appreciation and positive cash flow.  Ask me how to purchase a second home with as little as 5% down payment.  Planning at the beginning is critical.

10.  You win at your Mortgage renewal. 

Lenders are notorious for spoon-feeding their existing clients inflated interest rates at their Mortgage renewal.  Why?  Because they know how busy people are and they won’t shop around.  That’s where you win!  I track and place all of my clients Mortgage renewals with the best available rates and options, for you.

11.  Save money mid term. 

Our economy and Real Estate market are constantly changing.  And change brings opportunity.  During your Mortgage term, there may be an opportunity for you to save money, and the Banks make less.  Do you think the Bank will go out of their way to help you?  No!  They don’t have the systems or desire to do that.  I notify my clients of market changes so you save money.  Period.

12.  Abolish Mortgage payout penalties. 

Our Government does not regulate Mortgage payout penalties, so each institution decides their own calculation.  My lenders offer fair and reasonable payout penalties.  65% of Mortgage’s never reach their full term so this could save you THOUSANDS.

13.  Compare Mortgage lenders side-by-side. 

You'll discover what the difference of interest rate means for your Mortgage payment and balance at the end of your term.  You'll learn how to compare whole Mortgages, not just interest rates.  Considering how much money this is for you, making sure you understand what you're signing up for is CRITICAL.

The Bottom Line Is This ...

You benefit based from my genuine desire to understand your need to feel confident in your Real Estate decisions today and how everything affects your financial future tomorrow.   

Trust me, I am motivated to help you build your financial future with top quality service and expert advice not available at your Bank.

You want to work with the best.  Your Real Estate decision and team are very important to you, which is why I invite you to consider my professional services so I may earn your business.

Let's Talk About YOU!

You know, you’re obviously really serious about purchasing a great home, taking the next major step in your life.  I just want to take a second and acknowledge you for that.

Most people never take the time to educate them selves and arrange the best Real Estate team possible, the way you have.

You’re here reading this letter and you really have the commitment and determination to contact me now so I may help you, free of charge.

That’s why we’re a perfect fit working together because I specifically help people who are motivated to purchase a home, save the most money possible with the least amount of stress or time wasted.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon!


Chad Moore

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