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I think there are two sides to the “preparedness coin”.  Prepared to purchase a home.  Prepared for our economy.

1.  Are you prepared to purchase a home?

I mean really prepared.  For you, I am creating a comprehensive checklist (to be delivered via mail) that prepares you for:

  • Home features check list
  • Net worth analysis worksheet
  • Home purchase cost estimator
  • Current home budget identifier
  • Mortgage approval documentation
  • “Short list” property inspection checklists
  • Hidden costs of home ownership estimator
  • And much more (coming soon).

I think this is so valuable, I am requesting to mail this directly to your home.  Look for that request coming soon.

2.  Are you prepared for our economy? 

I think the economic headwinds facing our city, province and country are strong.  If you are paying any sort of attention to the worlds’ excess supply of oil, and you have the slightest understanding that Calgary is directly tied to the oil and gas industry supply and demand economics – I am sure you connect the dots.

With all of that being said, you may still be interested in purchasing a home.

And purchasing a home in this economy, particularly with the mind set of many people in this city, will require intestinal fortitude.


Because doing something OPPOSITE of the herd is a little scary.

Stepping out and creating a target on my back is a scary proposition for most people.

When times are good, purchasing a home is an Okay thing to do.  Why?  Because everyone else is doing it.  The herd says it’s OK.

When times are tough, everyone wants to wait until values are high again.  Most times, doing the opposite of the majority is very profitable.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I am not against waiting “it” out.  But waiting it out, without knowing what “it” is, isn’t going to solve anything.

Define what it is you are waiting for, which may be:

  • Prices to drop?  By how much do they need to fall before you enter the market?
  • Rates to increase?  I think an increase of interest rate will negatively effect the housing market.  And you may have to wait for another birthday before this happens.
  • The home you want to go on sale?  You may be picky and waiting for a specific home to be put up for sale?   Hey, at least you know what you’re waiting for.
  • The price of oil to stabilize.  Is this something you realistically can predict and rely on?  If so, define what “stable” means and go with it.
  • A key relationship to start/end?  You could be getting married soon and want to purchase a home together.  You may also be separating from your wife/husband soon and want that to be settled.

EITHER WAY …I think defining what “it” is you are waiting for and track it.  Measure it.  Create a plan of “if’s”.  If “this” happens, I do “that”.  If “this” doesn’t happen, I do “that”.

Now, if you are thinking to yourself, “what am I waiting for?” and nothing that really convinces you is a good reason, connect with me.  I am willing to help create a plan with you.  I simply help you by asking strategic questions.  This is all about you and your plan.

Connect with me here.

Talk soon,



Check out an e-book I personally wrote for you below.  Download it free of charge and read it over the next 15 minutes.

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