Hey Everyone! Below is the Bank of Canada press release from earlier this week justifying their current interest rate decision. The…
Use the information below to: Help you anticipate near term Single Family Home (SFH) and Apartment price movements. Anticipate near…
As always with my content for you, I put things into the simplest terms, to help you also make sense…
Hi everyone! I think it's important to understand several key Calgary Real Estate metrics to make sense of our market. Not…
[This is a snipit of content from the Bank of Canada's Monetary Policy Report - July 2016. Download the full…
Calgary Mortgage Rule Change Effecting Home Buyers. I think the latest Mortgage rule change is fluffy at best. The MRQ…
There are several statistics to track that help anticipate future Real Estate price movements. I think this also helps remove…
New Changes To Your Credit Score Are Coming! Equifax and TransUnion take your debt repayment information/history and produce a credit…
Continue reading to hear my thoughts on what might be a looming Mortgage rule change that will effect Calgary's housing…
Calgary Market Stats Update: Chad's Market Commentary: As the price of oil continues to slowly increase, I think more and…