NO. It's not. Here's why. The majority of people are waiting for the shoe to drop, the bottom to fall…
I am tracking 3 simple statistics to help you ANTICIPATE the future price of Calgary detached homes. Failing to understand…
I think there are two sides to the "preparedness coin". Prepared to purchase a home. Prepared for our economy. 1.…
The dust is settling on last weeks flurry of media activity around the Bank of Canada (BoC) decreasing their key…
Like a good soap opera, the Canadian (and Global) economy is providing us with drama, cliff hangers, key characters and many…
Each month I am bringing three housing statistics to help you ANTICIPATE where the price of Calgary Real Estate may…
I have a mission of "discovery and perspective" for you ... Ask your parents if they ever thought fixed interest…
I think when companies let go of contractors/employees in a challenging economy, they are thinking about cost savings today AND…
I've seen it time and time again ...the incredible emotional roller coster of purchasing a home. People come in and sit…
I am presenting three Real Estate statistics to help you ANTICIPATE where the price of Calgary Real Estate may trend. I…