Categories: Mortgage


The dictionary definition of “manifesto”, from Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is as follows, :

“A written statement declaring publicly the intentions, motives and views of its user(s).”

Here is my Manifesto, as a Mortgage Professional, and a potential suitor for your next Mortgage.

Everything is a “game”.

By “game” I don’t necessarily mean there are winners and losers, although in some instances you may decide for yourself if you think you’ve “won” or “lost”.  Those thoughts and determinations are yours, and yours alone.

In referring to a “game”, I mean something we play with our business associates, family, friends, our selves and, yes, even institutions.  You may play the “raising a child” game with your spouse.  You may play the “growing a business game” with your company.  You may play a “fitness” game with some of your friends, etc.

When the time comes, for you to purchase a home and obtain a Mortgage, you’re playing the “Real Estate” game with me.  And like any “game” there are rules, players, a beginning and end.

In addition to yourself, there are players in the “Real Estate game” who will be on your team.  You will personally get to know your Realtor and Mortgage Professional, in addition to other “game” players like your home inspector, home appraiser, moving company and lawyer etc.

Like any team game, the players on your team are important.  An old adage comes to mind, that I think rings true for me in this Real Estate game, “you’re team is only as strong as its’ weakest link”.  I’m sure you’ve heard that one before.

So when thinking about the Real Estate game, you’re really the “Owner” of your team.  Think George Stienbrenner or Mark Cuban.  You are drafting your teammates, building your championship team, and more importantly, being the best team player YOU can be.

The potential game players, on the Mortgage side of this business, are in my experience, are all great people.  This includes Bankers, Bank reps, and Mortgage Professionals.  All good Canadians, who work hard, pay their taxes and do the best they can, in the circumstances they’re given, just like yourself.

HOWEVER, the system with which some of these people operate are different than others.  Some of these well intentioned people, who operate in this system, are restricted in ways that can seriously harm your “game” in the long run.

If you’ve spent any time on my website you will see the position I take, with respect to Canadian Banks.  I will save the reasoning and my messaging for you to discover in other areas of my website.   What I am declaring here, is that I express no ill will to any one person, or groups of people, in the Banking sector.

I believe the Banks, as an organization, have created a system that does not allow their Bank employees to keep the best interests of their client el at heart.  I think the mere circumstances that Bank staff are operating in are, sometimes at a disadvantage to the service of their clients.

My intention is to highlight some of these potential shortcomings, in regards to doing business with a Bank, in an effort to showcase undiscovered disadvantages.  My “Shopping Around Form” is my expression of completing this for you.

I am however, willing to be proven wrong.

I compete for my clients business.  While I am a team member in your “game”, I am also playing my own “game”.  And as such in any game I play, I compete for what I want.

If during your Mortgage discovery process, a Bank offers you something you view to be of more value to you than what I am offering; I am open to your position of thinking.

In my experience, this does not happen often, but I cannot say “never”.  To be clear, I will always believe my Mortgage Strategy will perform better for my Mortgage prospects over time, but I am willing to see another’s position.

Thank you for reading this marketing “Manifesto”.  Please take another couple of minutes to view The Mortgage Blackbox and download my Shopping Around Form.


Chad Moore

Chad Moore

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