The end is upon us (the end of the first quarter of 2015).

Take a moment and consider where you are in your annual plan.  Are
you on track to achieve your goals?   Are you still honoring your New
Year resolution?

Take a moment and think about that …

What about your goal to purchase a home?  What have you done to
honor that long term commitment?

The smallest of decisions you make TODAY will lead you to what you
say you want. 

Maybe you decide to look at homes for sale online once a week?

Maybe you decide to change your budget to save more for your down

Maybe you decide to visit one open house a month?

Maybe you write down the date you want to buy a home?

Maybe you decide to have a Mortgage pre-approval done?

One little bit at a time, one small decision at a time, will lead you to BIG

With the deepest respect, if you say you want to buy a house, what are
you doing TODAY to get you there?  I am here to help you.

Talk soon,

Chad Moore


Leave a comment with the date you wish to buy a home.  Let the
Universe know you are serious.

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